Criminal Law

  • Former-Prosecutor for the State Attorney’s Office for the 10th Judicial Circuit
  • Prosecuted thousands of cases in Polk and Highlands counties, including Felony and Misdemeanor cases
  • Lead counsel for over 60 trials
  • Experienced in cases involving: Murder, possession and/or trafficking in methamphetamine, cocaine, cannabis, domestic and non-domestic battery, aggravated stalking, violation of injunction, aggravated assault and/or battery, theft, battery on law enforcement, fraud, resisting with or without violence, kidnapping, robbery and DUI/BUI, and most traffic offenses.
  • Experienced handling: Jury Trials, Non-Jury Trials, Violation of Probation Hearings, Motions to Suppress and Bond Hearings
  • American Bar Association National Competitor for the Negotiation Competition
  • Intern for the State Attorney’s Office in Polk County
  • Stetson University College of Law School graduate
  • Member of the Florida Bar since 2003
  • Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Member